Financial Planning

Life is full of twists and turns; life partners, children, and elder parents to care for, changes in employment and marital status, successes and challenges in business and investment, all combine to make the future uncertain but full of possibilities.

The financial plan includes advice on cross-border issues for our expatriate clients and addresses investment issues as well as non-investment issues such as estate planning, taxation, education planning for children or grandchildren, and retirement considerations

The IAM financial planning process recognizes this uncertainty and the fact that a comprehensive plan is required that adapts as your situation changes with time. Realizing future goals and dreams and providing for those who depend on you is greatly enhanced with guidance from an IAM professional and a carefully monitored personalized financial plan.

At IAM we use the latest in financial modeling technology to give you the most comprehensive picture possible of how you can attain future goals. Full cash flow/balance sheet/income statement projections that incorporate tax effects and Monte-Carlo analysis, which addresses the inherent uncertainty in investment returns and life span, help to quantify the probability of reaching each goal.

The financial plan includes advice on cross-border issues for our expatriate clients or anyone with assets in more than one country. We also address non-investment issues such as estate planning, taxation, education planning for children or grandchildren, and retirement considerations.

Each of our planners is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional that you can trust to work with you to formulate and monitor a financial plan that will guide you through the years ahead.

Ideally, our Financial Planning Service is combined with our Portfolio Management Service. In this manner, we can not only help you outline a plan to meet your financial goals, we can also help you realize the investment performance necessary to fulfill the portfolio return requirements projected in your financial plan and make adjustments to your investment strategy as time goes on.

Retirement Planning

The importance of retirement planning cannot be overstated – you may be retired for a full one-third of your lifetime, 30 years or more. This is a long time to be living off your savings and retirement plans.

Many changes may happen during retirement that will affect your finances and lifestyle. The time to plan is before retirement and it is crucial that your various personal, employer, and government plans are managed together for your best benefit.

We offer specialized retirement planning services for our expatriate clients or for Americans intending to live in a foreign country once retired. We will work in conjunction with non-US financial planners from our global network and other local professionals in your retirement country to provide a true cross-border retirement planning service.

Most financial planners and investment advisors provide retirement advice, but at IAM we go the extra mile and provide a highly personalized transition and planning service. We carefully analyze all of the options you have with respect to your various plan payouts and rollover possibilities, working, when possible, with your employer’s human resources department. Once we have performed a detailed analysis, we report and explain your options and recommend the most tax-efficient and financially beneficial way to transition to your new lifestyle. We then provide ongoing portfolio management and financial planning to ensure that you and your dependents are provided for in the years following your retirement.

We offer specialized retirement planning services for our expatriate clients or for Americans intending to live in a foreign country once retired. We work with professionals in your retirement country to provide a true cross-border service

Retirement Planning Issues to Consider:

Pre-retirement planning

Inevitably over future years your income, investment returns, and lifestyle will undergo changes. With sensible planning and periodic re-evaluation to incorporate changes, you can assure your family a secure future. IAM combines sophisticated financial and tax planning, investment expertise, and periodic plan updates to keep you on track.


Security during retirement

If you are already retired and depend upon your investments for security or income, then the benefits of the IAM Retirement Planning service cannot be overstated. Many a nest egg has been squandered through a needlessly aggressive investment program. At IAM, we are not paid on a commission basis and we do not have any proprietary investment products to sell, therefore you can rest assured that our service is impartial and only for your benefit.


Retirement planning and investment management

We offer our Retirement Planning service at no extra charge to our Portfolio Management clients with over $500,000 under our management. You should consider that at some time in the future you may be unable or unwilling to make your own investment decisions, whether due to illness, or simply because you are too busy enjoying your retirement. Our service includes discretionary management of your portfolio so you can rest assured that your savings will always be managed in keeping with a portfolio strategy that best meets your needs, whether or not you are in a position to oversee your investments personally.


Non-investment issues

Many other issues besides investments need to be considered when planning for retirement: Health and life insurance, long-term disability coverage, estate planning, the purchase or sale of property, and much more. IAM can assist you with all these issues, or, if you are already working with an advisor you trust, then we would be happy to work together with that advisor to tailor your investment portfolio to your overall needs.